Page 110

Page two of the "NHK Man saga". I really enjoyed drawing the bureaucrat in this bit. Today I talked to my mate Steve on Skype, and he definitely backed up a lot of the NHK mans behaviour as being an accurate depiction. Though Steve was not so quick to pay. In fact he didn't pay at all. We spoke of Japanese bureaucrats being quick to bully the timid and unable to do anything to the agressive. Though I dunno if that is only true to Japan. What do you guys think? Jeff

2 thoughts on “Page 110

  1. This is fascinating. I’m having a fun time imagining a CBC employee coming around to my apartment bullying me for my tithe.

  2. Bureaucratic are typically cowards. They hide behind their rules, regulations, and paperwork and only have power over those who follow. If you exist outside their bureaucracy, like a foreigner who doesn’t care about NHK because they don’t watch, let alone own, a television – You are as good as the monsters in the dark to them. You don’t fall within a definable category for them, so they are afraid.

    Political bureaucrats are even worse. Because they think that -everyone- falls under their control.

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